Celebrating your birthday. Just how far can one stray from the "truth"
Have a wonderful day Englishman. I'll have a cervesa in your honor today.
Celebrating your birthday. Just how far can one stray from the "truth"
Have a wonderful day Englishman. I'll have a cervesa in your honor today.
some of you may know, but i have been on a serious journey through watchtower "theology", and by association, have gone back all through the history of christianity.
i know many on this list have gone thru the same thing.
i have checked out probably 100 archeological, religious, and history books from the library.
Also: AW 6-8-86 "There are those, such as the Christian witnesses of Jehovah, who consider all transplants between humans as cannibalism.
CORRECTION: The date on the Awake quote should read 6-8-68 p21
some of you may know, but i have been on a serious journey through watchtower "theology", and by association, have gone back all through the history of christianity.
i know many on this list have gone thru the same thing.
i have checked out probably 100 archeological, religious, and history books from the library.
where did you get the information about the people dying from refusing transplants?
Diane Wilson on page 181 of her book sights the WT 11-15-68 p.702 Here is the part of what it says:
"When men of science conclude that this normal process will no longer work and they suggest removing the organ and placing it directly with an organ from another human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operationss are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of whole organs or body parts taken from others."
Also: AW 6-8-86 "There are those, such as the Christian witnesses of Jehovah, who consider all transplants between humans as cannibalism.
She then quotes the 1980 WT where they flip flop WT 3-15-1980 p.31
some of you may know, but i have been on a serious journey through watchtower "theology", and by association, have gone back all through the history of christianity.
i know many on this list have gone thru the same thing.
i have checked out probably 100 archeological, religious, and history books from the library.
Well put Ithinkisee
Amen Gumby
after fading i didn't run into any jw's for quite awhile, now they are coming out of the woodwork.
i wasn't sure how i was going to handle things due to fading.
i seen one women at a yard sale and didn't know if i should say hello or not.
It can be difficult. I think sometimes xjws feel they have to play the game with the jw rule book. Not talking to people who don't agree with your religion is from their rule book not yours. I believe you should greet them and if they want to be rude and ignore you that is their business. Not much you can do about it. It helps if you remember you once thought that way yourself. I remember ignoring people I liked the were df'd. It wasn't personal and I hated doing it. I was just obeying their stupid rules. Sometimes it can be fun when there are non jws around. It maked it very hard for then to ignore you and not look like a total rude idiot. If you ever get in that situation enjoy watching them squirm.
do you think apostate info (books, sites, etc) slow growth or speed exit?
when i joined the religion, i didn't read apostate information at all.
once i left, i read a ton.
I don't think it effects the hardcore JW. A hardcore j-dub wouldn't be on the net or accept any literature against the watchtower. If a witness is on the net no matter what they say the are 100% dub or they wouldn't be on the internet. The tower says stay off it. It helps those aren't obeying the wt in all things or who have just a tinge of doubt whether concious or subconscious. These people will probably look at it. It may take a while for it to sink in but it will be there to fall back on when they are ready. That is where I was I guess about a year before I left. A friend at work gave me "A Slave of the Watchtower to read. It got me to start thinking. The process was slow but after reading it I started to question things more. I began to wonder what if there was a chance that the author was right.
It also helps those who have left for not because they don't believe the watchtower is the truth but for other reasons, It helps them realize they are not the problem, the watchtower is. People who leave and don't come across negative info (I don't like to call it apostate info) on the tower often think they are the problem and usually aren't very happy. Once they see that the watchtower is the problem it helps them work it out.
from september 2004 to april 2005, there has been no significant increase in the number of publishers reporting for the 2005 service year, which began last september.
september 2004 - 990,551
october 2004 - 993,476
Maybe they need to try giving out promotions to get people to join. Free book bag with your name embossed on it. Five hundred bonus field service hours. Calendar with pictures of the gov body, the Williams sisters in swim suits etc....
venus and serena williams get their own reality show .
in a press release, serena said "the series will provide our fans with an up-close, inside look at our lives away from the tennis courts.
" hmmm.
What would make for a really good show would be one where they were confronted by some former JWs who asked them some really tough questions about the Watchtower. Like did they know the wt originally taught Christ came in 1874, end of the world in 1914, Rutherford was pro Nazi. Wouldn't it be great if they found out the wt was full of crap and became out spoken against it?
i realise this is probably quite a dull subject for all my friends here, but this frog can't help but to share her happy moment, cause she's just bursting at the seams with self-congratulatory praise!.
i just logged on to the uni website to get my long awaited semester one results.
i knew i had done well with my essays, pop quizzes etc throughout the semester, but i attributed that to the fact that i had weeks to fine tune my writing and research.
Not dull at all Frog. I'm proud of you. It will pay off . You will have job choice while the J double U's that listen to the tower are stuck in low paying jobs. Plus you are learning things you'd never learn at a KH.
well brothers and sisters,
i just returned home safe from the convention.
as much as i would like to give you the minute by minute breakdown, i won't because this is going to be a freaking long post anyhow.
Thats sick - exactly how can a 7 year old meet their own critreia - they might as well start baptising babies!
Perhaps there should be a federal law passed stating that you can't become a JW till you are 18 and have it posted a on or near the baptismal pool. Also have it say: BECOMING BE COMING A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR MENTAL HEALTH